A convivial evening

I seemed to spend all day cooking as I wanted to try out some of the recipes from the cookery course.

But after I'd prepared a baked avocado dish for a starter and a stuffed Aubergine roll for main, and a tomato and anchovy salad, I remembered that our house guest Dennis didn't like any food beginning with A - so Avocados, Aubergines and Anchovies were out, as were the ' Alives'with drinks.

Hence a quick trot in lashing rain to the shops. We had a broccoli and feta bake, lemon potatoes, courgette salad - as well as the other stuff I'd made. He threw caution to the wind and tried them and decided he liked avocado and aubergine after all. And after 25 years of knowing him, during which time we drank G & T and he wouldn't try it, turns out he's decided he's missed out on a life-enhancing experience and he likes it after all.

Never say never!

Chris and Ailie joined us and we had a silly jolly time - thankfully our children weren't there to tell us off!

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