Too noisy Granny!

James (2) and Nathaniel (3) came to assist with the pudding making. They thought the old Kenwood mixer was too noisy - a bit ironic as there is little as noisy as James in a strop.

The family came for lunch and to see Dennis - he has known the daughters since they were teenagers. Every year he takes a few pictures of the family - although the 10 of us get together regularly, we never have anyone else there to take a photo. However this year #3 daughter's husband was working so we were not quorate. Typical the photos were all good.
(One less person to have eyes shut).

We just managed to get the photos done before the downpour. We had lunch - I made a one dish thing using organic chicken, chorizo, peppers, tomatoes, red onions, sourdough bread, paprika and garlic mixed with olive oil and baked, then Eton Mess.

Then we headed up into the woods for the treasure hunt - daughters wanted the kids outside despite the heavy rain, as they had got every cushion and pillow in the house into the living room to make an assault course/bouncy castle and were getting a bit wild. Thomas (4) and Ella (5) did a good job of map reading, guiding us through the 'swamp', spotting the 'dinosaur tail' tracks (mountain bike tyre marks), the 'jungle' (rhodies) where they found bananas left by 'monkeys' for little monkeys, to the area with blaeberries which they picked and ate, then finally to the big rock where X marked the spot for the 'treasure' - surprisingly there were 4 little bags with some sweets and a coin. Then it was all downhill and home. A good 2 miles.

Happy day, and nobody cared they were drenched.

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