
By Beewriter

Wheely Good Day

Pat and I nipped down to Media City as the Makers Market was on. When we arrived it was pandemonium .....well, it wasn't quite that, but I do like that word. It was really busy, though, as the SkyRide was on. There were cyclists everywhere, serious, funny, old young, fat, thin, men women, mountain bikers, racers, tandem, baby carriers, stabilisers....every type of biker was there. 

We mooched around the stalls and bought a half a watermelon filled with fruit to eat whilst we watched the pedallers pedal past. It was a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon. Although, I was rather naughty and bought some salted caramel chocolate brownies too. No wonder I'm so fat....sigh.

I called on Jude on the way home and then chatted with a friend tonight. Hurrah, for good friends, what on earth would we do without them :)

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