View from Budapest airport

Back blip!

The sun is breaking through and burning off the black clouds as I leave Hungary on my way back to Wales.

My intended blip had been of London from the air, now it's getting darker London fully lit up as we fly over towards Heathrow is fantastic. I've been lucky enough to fly all over the world and London at night from the air is one of my favourite sights.
It didn't happen as I gave up my seat to an elderly gentleman and his wife (the seat next to me was free) who needed to be close to the toilet, BA were very good bringing him down the plane as far as they could but he was concerned he was still too far away, so I swapped seats with him went back to cattle class and although I had a window seat I had an engine in the way of a decent shot.

My other choice for yesterday was the trees at terminal 3. All the trees have blue fairy lights covering them, when I asked one of the guys what was going on, he said it was for Christmas :-)

It's nice to be back in Wales it smells like Autumn :-)

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