Five things

By fivethings


1. This is the view from the stalls studio rehearsal room at the Citizens Theatre where I spend a big chunk of the day.

2. I hear that this was originally part of the stage school that was attached to the two theatres that once stood here, then when that was turned into a factory it gained it's rather lovely beamed ceiling. There are ghosts in the hallway between the two buildings.

3. Right now, it's where the new press and marketing officer will be discovered and rather surprisingly it's an enjoyable day.

4. One of those days when I have no cash at all for the entire day which means I end up walking home. It's ok, not too far.

5. Feeling a wee bit sniffly I do what I quite often do when there's a hint of being under the weather and pig out on a big fat kebab. That'll help.

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