
By karatekid51

Afternoon sun

Enjoying a long weekend with a coffee and cake at the Store. Bumped into friends visiting some NEOS exhibitions, so I'll head out to Pitlurg to see the exhibition at Leask House tomorrow.

On the way home, I took our usual school-run road but had time to stop. It's funny how this road has yielded so many blip-moments: I caught these turbines from the neighbouring field when it was full of rape earlier in the summer and the same turbines were blipped by talpa last week.

It was changeable with heavy rain shower clouds and then bright blue sky. It's a pity I couldn't wait longer for a bit more sunlight on this field but my travelling companions - my kids - had indulged me long enough.

There's only so much blip time you can buy with a couple brownies and some coke!

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