Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


It's secret Woking. You know, where to buy drugs, firearms, vegan food, that sort of thing.

Only kidding. Woking has no secrets. Once described as "the centre of smug Britain" it wears its low crime rates, its largely litter free town centre and its utter banality as badges of pride. Almost certainly the town where Overheard In Waitrose claims to have eavesdropped on someone saying "Darling do we need Parmesan for both houses?" Its claim to fame rests on the fact that HG Wells' Martians landed on the local common, although less often reported is that Wells disliked the place so much he deliberately put it at the centre of an alien invasion so that he could delight in killing off its inhabitants with big nasty heat rays.

I like it. It is so uncool it is almost trendy.

Anyway ... just another boring day in the office. Lots of small insignificant dramas. Excellent vegan meatballs and spaghetti for supper. All's well with the world (as long as the Martians don't invade).

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