Prove that my .....
...... expense worked!!!
Yes indeed Mr "A" does use the shoe covers. It's an excuse to remain lazy re removing his shoes when he comes indoors. Quite a laugh really , still it works so now I will get my lounge carpet cleaned and hopefully it will stay that way for longer.
It has been a dull rainy day with low cloud base making for considerable mist ,almost like fog, as we went to the cinema this afternoon. We saw Dunkirk , not everyone's cup of tea , but it just gave you another
" jolt" as to the great sacrifice that was give to us by those brave men an d women. Also how wonderful the owners of those small craft were. I don't often shed tears in films but I did today.
My car was return , by the lovely man / driver, so just see how long things stay ok . I certainly don't want another bill like this one anytime soon!! I must say I really miss it, having difficulty in carrying , shopping is almost non existent without my car.
Thankful ..... to have my car back and for the garage to collect and return it.
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