
Back to Glasgow today, this time for a meeting of the Hearings Managemnt Group. We started by marking Alyson Evans's departure (see 21 July) from CHS and recognising all she has done over the years in helping to establish the Group and the joint working with SCRA.

It is an interesting meeting of children's reporters, panel member representatves Area Conveners and policy and practice staff from across the country. Highland and Moray, Aberdeen, North Lanarkshire, Central and West Lothian, Edinburgh Dumfries and Galloway, Renfrewshire to name CHS representation present.

It was fascination to learn of some of the different practices operating across the organisations within the legislative framework and the discussions about how to proceed to ensure a sensible and consistent approach were very constructive.

Outside the Candelriggs Square area - which is often deserted - was full of stalls selling items and (mainly) food. There were German, Greek, Austrian stalls to name a few. And this one of Churros seemed very popular. There were some heavy downpours later so hope they survived.

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