Anita Arrives

A breezy day, but warm and sunny.  Let's hope it lasts over the weekend. 

I've had a busy day on the museum desk.  There's been a wedding on, and it started at 12 noon.  They are having a meal here and also a dance at night, so plenty to keep me busy helping out.  I have an hour to myself, and then off to work in the pub later.  I'll be on all night, so hopefully be quiet.

Out for a lunchtime walk and spied a Norwegian tall ship coming in, so I went to investigate as my friend was due on one.  Right enough there was Anita Melkevik ready to land and a friendly hug.  She's travelled over from Norway via Fair Isle on the Loyal ship.  Great to catchup and hopefully have a cuppa soon.  Taken at Victoiria pier, Lerwick.

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