It Had To Change.

Ignored, given back-chat, being disobeyed ............. but apparently I was the bad guy!
So I went into the kitchen to hide.
That is where I took a load of pictures of another of the fruits we bought yesterday. I played about in Photoshop with some of them. this one got a blast of flash too ..... a bit too much really. A bit of glow on this.

The Cygnet and I took PD for his walk while Squirrel was at gymnastics.
He had a sheet of things to look look for - like fungus on trees, birds, pine-cones ..... that sort of thing.
Lost dog tags were not on the list.

This evening I snapped 3 small boxes I have made recently using old, imperfect bits of wood that were lying about in the 'bits' box in the garage.
No1 .......... Laburnum with a burr elm finial.
No2 .......... Ebony, mahogany and walnut
No3 .......... Lignum Vitae (from a large, obviously very old and well used rope maker's awl) with laburnum lid and burr elm finial.
None are high quality (and not likely to sell) but I hate seeing 'usable' bits of wood with character and a story going to waste.

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