Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Friday -- Her name is Vivian

We were on our way to the Farmers Market in Cambria (to get more of Stephanie's soup -- her soup is always good, but this week it's extra delicious). Then we discovered 3 miles from the house, a tire was going flat. Ugh! Made a U-turn and headed to Hinson's Tires in Morro Bay. They had it fixed promptly, but Mr. Fun thought the trip to Cambria was not going to be.

I explained, "the market does not open for 45 minutes. It's a 20 minute drive to Cambria." Twenty-two minutes later we were in Cambria to drop off our soup jars early. When the market opened, Mr. Fun was first in line to pay and to get two full jars, one of each favor. Then we headed to lunch, which would now be early dinner at the Bridge Street Cafe; they make the best carrot cake cupcakes (dessert always factors heavily into the evaluation of a meal).

After we ordered our food at the Cafe, we walked to the back yard garden dining area. A woman and her dog were sitting next to the small table I chose. I asked if I would be disturbing the dog if I sat there, and she said, "No. She's a therapy dog and loves people." I thought, "I know two people who could use a little therapy," and chuckled to myself. Then our meal arrived and the therapy dog lady conversed with us all throughout our dining moment.

We learned her name is Vivian and she lives in Morro Bay in a house built in 1906. Her house is the same number as our house, but not the same street name, and ours is in Cayucos. We showed her photos of our little purple place and we all vowed to stop soon to see each other's place.

Meeting Vivian was so interesting. When I arrived at the garden patio she was conversing with everyone. She knows no strangers. If we had all sat there quietly, minding our own business, we would have missed a lovely experience.

Then the two of us trotted back to our car to see that our 3 pups were still parked in the shade. Relief!

The tire going flat could have stopped the entire event. When we arrived at the Cafe and could see that they still had a half dozen carrot cake cupcakes, we both verbally expressed joyful relief. The lady behind the counter recognized us and got a real tickle because of our thrill. We had one cupcake after our meal (a shared sandwich), and 3 cupcakes to go! We'll share one cupcake each the next three mornings and we'll oooh and aaah while thoroughly enjoying them.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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