it’s only rock and roll (part 2)

Last night’s gig (our third) was packed with  …   oh ….. there must have been at least 20 people……

To my surprise it was advertised on posters as my ‘birthday concert’.  Surprising as it was not actually my birthday (that was in June).  And I hadn’t planned a party anyway.  

But the band were determined to mark the occasion.  In the interval they produced an enormous chocolate cake - it was sliced up and shared with the audience.  Despite Anniemay having two helpings there was still some left over.  This simple fact will tell you something about both the size of the cake and the size of the audience.

We got back to the hotel just before midnight.  We sat in the bar with post-gig drinks and the band produced their next surprise - a birthday present.  I was, for once speechless, when I opened a big box to find this drone camera inside; “You can take your blips to another level now ….”

I’m very lucky to have such generous, as well as talented, friends.  And it’s very rock and roll to have your own private aircraft.

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