
This morning was my final line manager meeting of the academic year and so we celebrated with half a slice of lemon drizzle cake and talk of sheds and carpet. Wild.

I took the afternoon off and it was just the kind of weather that calls for staying inside and getting hooked on a new Scandi drama. Being so far from the equator might lead to short days and depression but also some epic murder investigations.

Bodypump this evening. I think it was the first one I've ever been to where I didn't end up in a heap on the floor. Progress.

Onto the last Student Open Mic of the year, more of Andy's genius and some unveiling of new talent. I found the Palmer's supply of cookbooks to keep myself amused.

Tomorrow is the first Saturday in seven weeks where there is nothing in the diary. My aim is to sleep past 6am. Wish me luck.

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