Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Grandma's house

After doing a few chores for Grandma, we took the kids to Clifton Park in Rotherham this afternoon. They absolutely loved the amusements, with Nelly riding her first proper rollercoaster. Despite the wee man riding it last time, I think he felt a little worse for wear this time as he complained about his belly feeling funny afterwards, and that medicine wouldn't even help him. Thankfully a glass of water and a snack did the trick although they were both overtired by the end of the day.

Earlier on in the day, the wee man turned to me this morning and said "You taught me so much yesterday Dada"
"Oh really? What was that?"
"You taught me about diversions"
That's me. A real oracle of useful information, honest.

I do keep trying to get photos of the wee man but this little lady keeps stealing the show.

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