The sun dropped through

A gloomy day to start with and The Boss struggling with the heavy cold she'd taken almost as soon as she started her break from her new Italian job.

I toddled off over the single track road past Calgary and Dervaig to the fishing shop in Tobermory. I got myself a week licence for Loch Frisa. On the way back I stopped at the loch and trudged out over some incredibly broken and boggy ground at the north end.

I spent a couple of frustrating hours casting a fly out into a fickle and increasingly strong wind. Such a big expanse of water that gets down to over 60m in depth. It seemed unlikely there would be any fish in it given the poverty of the surrounding peat and spagnum moss.

But it was good to be out in it, the rain lashing down, stumbling around in bayberry and bog aspodel with nobody, no cars, no  nothing around.

Needless to say I went home empty handed wondering if I should have got myself a permit for the stocked Mishnish lochs up the road.

Much later the sun dropped through the thick cloud and sank behind the knobbly bunched fists of Coll. The light continued on into the night, still glowing red in the west past 11 o'clock (see extra).

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