Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Kitchen sink dramas

Even in death there is beauty, and in this instance an appreciation of the complex and remarkable engineering of a common insect. I didn't have the heart to wash it away. 

The other thing that died was my iPhone which is also complex and attractive but rather more costly to replace. I shall wend my way up to the Apple Store in London tomorrow evening and discuss terms.

We did not leave the house today. Prudential Ride London turns this part of the world into a no-drive zone unless you head West and I hate having my compass points dictated to me by a bunch of skinny and selfish people in Lycra. The Dizzle cooked beef and TSM cooked nuts so we did the whole roast dinner thing despite it being high summer (mind, the potatoes were truly truly scrumptious and we ate vast quantities of them). True Brits, although we didn't get the vegan Yorkshire pudding thing together. As Top Gun said, you couldn't get more of a contrast; we sat at one end of the table with our vegan fair and at the other end were the traditionalists with blood oozing out of their brisket.

We have done housework and had snoozes and it has been rather restful. I am relaxed but thoughtful. There is a sleepy spiritual feel to the place. 

It's probably due to all those potatoes ...

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