Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Four letter word games

As in SMUG, GUMS, MUGS. So many options from four little letters. Like SHIT, HITS, TISH. Yes tish is a word, both a description of a rabbinical gathering or urban slang for tissue. Or if doubled up (tish tish) a term of approbation when you see someone acting like a tosser.

This was my latest project, a mug board for the kitchen. When asked by my inner computer to describe my satisfaction levels I gave it seven out of ten. Logged and noted for the inner database. My inner chimp was not much interested although did get a bit exercised when Dylan put his paw in the paint and was positively jabbering with annoyance when I (or should that be we?) dropped the screwdriver (for explanation see The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, which TSM introduced me to today).

The Chimp is of course a master of four letter words, not always helpfully. I let him have a little rant today when preparation for return to work was not going well.

Anyway my DIY efforts were positively received by the rest of the family. I also had a lovely FaceTime with TGR who was enjoying a day off in the 34 degree heat just north of Vancouver. And I had a short walk. And cleaned the bathroom and did three lots of washing. And have nearly finished gravelling the sitooterie (with Strider doing the heavy lifting). So a productive day even if it didn’t always feel like it. Fortunately the inner computer had kept score and we were awarded an 81% collective approval rating. Teamwork. Now that’s what I call SMUG...

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