Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Just a bean..

.. Not having had an opportunity to spend time with camera until the light was almost gone today, I was delighted to see that since yesterday a bean had arrived!
Isn't it pretty in all its hairiness?!

On days like this (boring days, or like my last two blips, blurry days) I wonder whether I should record an image at all. But then, I look back with delight at old images, and find that despite the humdrum image, memories of the day come flooding back.

So, what memories will return to haunt me from the bean day??

Well... I did a LOT of ironing (and elderly relative stuff, hence it's a back-blip) and caught up with a LOT of documentaries on TV as I ironed. (It's a mindless chore isn't it?).

So, 'not a lot', for my memory bank as it happens :-)

But on most days it's a theory that works!

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