Ah! THERE you are...

... I didn't think I'd have any time today, but some plans fell through (get well soon S) so I did pop out with the camera. The weather was windy (and fickle, and rainy, and sunny, and warm, and cold) so I was surprised that this image was remotely ok.
It's a common red soldier beetle. When I was at school we used to call them 'bloodsuckers', I don't know why. (They look harmless enough). I recall the cry going up in the playground, 'it's a BLOODsucker!!'
And squeals.

Kids eh? 

There was also a Nature Table at school at a similar time.
It hosted various seasonal and appropriate 'nature', for the edification of Mixed Infants.  I well recall the horror of the dead dragon fly and similar squeals, 'they come back to LIFE they do'!
In a dark and teeny corner of my brain, I still harbour just a ghost of a notion that they might.

In other news, yesterdays lovely little bean has disappeared.
Lawst and gawn.

Sigh :-/

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