Daisy's hair

It's there on the far right in all it's pink glory. I was going to fiddle around with this to lighten it all up but decided it was just fine, it was proper sunny which made the ride bit look dark. (Or I'm not even just to bloody lazy to fire up Snapseed)

A goodly beach walk this morning then some home bimbling and into town/ fair/ market stalls. I think we got ripped off with Will's ostrich burger, the lady just took a burger off the pile and stuck it in a bun. The fresh doughnuts were a lovely bonus. Tkmaxx saw the purchase of a new Jay cap, one glass (it was lovely but the only one) and a birthday present for my lucky mum. Jay and I stood and watched the children on this mentalness, I felt old- I can't imagine going on anything like this.

And woo hoo!!! No work tomorrow!! Will is off to Indian cookery so that's dinner sorted and Daisy has written my dictated list out of Jobs.

Oh and I did a load of yoga and we watched Stardust. V good film, 8.5 from Will who needed to distinguish it as slightly better than Shrek.

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