Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A beautiful day

I was up very early, at 5am, and got a head start on my Monday chores. I had quite a bit of admin to catch up on (for my events next term and various payments to be made). Thomas and I did another trip to the waste disposal site - we should get frequent visitor stamps by now! Then while I did grocery shopping he went to the bank to sort out his change of address and online banking. 

They started installing the irrigation system today - we have such a hot garden that it won't cope without it - now the dead grass has been dug up where they laid pipes and after that we can see about getting the grass back to a healthy state.

I found out today that we need to take anti-malaria tablets for our holiday next month - what a blow, last time I took those they made me have weird nightmares and I vowed never to take them again. I have an appointment at Boots this week to get advice about which medication to take.

I planned to take a photo of the beautiful clouds for Mono Monday, but that blue sky is irresistible and I just could not convert this to mono. Nothing quite beats the blue of the sky here in good weather, nothing compares to it.

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