Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The Prudential RideLondon Cycle Race

We woke up to lovely sunshine and so Gavin and I went for a short run - the roads were closed due to the cycle race and it was quite peculiar to have marshals all along our running route with cyclists racing past as we were running. Those were the amateurs, the professional teams were racing later.

Gavin had a very busy day hanging all our paintings and pictures. He does a proper job too, using a drill and screws and not just banging a nail into the wall. Luckily our artwork fits well in to the new house and we only have one gap where we need to find something to fill it. I will be getting some of my images printed and framed for the kitchen wall. He also has done a super job of putting up shelving in the garage and everything is looking so neat and tidy, all the wellies are on a shoe rack and the everything has a place. Did I mention that Gavin and I are tidiness-freaks?! We do like everything in it's place. The poor man will probably go back to work tired tomorrow - not really, he loves doing this kind of thing and gets more satisfaction knowing its all done. The house is now looking like home and we are feeling quite settled.

At about 5pm we went up the road to the High Street to see the professional teams of cyclists coming through. This is team Orica-Scott, the Australian team who were one of the first pelotons to come through. It is a thrilling experience to watch them as they go whizzing past in a matter of seconds. The first extra is of the leading cyclists in the race, with about 25 miles to go to the end. The second extra shows the cyclist who went on to win the race, the Norwegian Alexander Kristoff (with a patch on his knee) - he was about 2 or 3 pelotons behind the leader at this stage.

PS They are cycling past the best butcher in Surrey, which I have supported for years but now can walk to from our house

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