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Nobody told me.
Nobody told me that there was to be a huge referendum rally organised by the YES campaign in Edinburgh today.

The first I knew about it was when thousands of people began to gather in the Meadows this morning, each with an enormous Saltire flag.

But it was still early and I had an assignation with daughter# 1 for coffee in her newly refurbished flat overlooking Arthur's Seat, so I had to miss the blip potential.

However, after an hour or two of girlish gossip, we wound our way back to Princes Street gardens to find the rally in full flow - music, speeches and a lot of flag waving.

I even introduced myself to the Right Honourable leader of the SNP at Westminster, and reminded him that son#1 had been known to reduce him to tears, when as a child visitor to our house, he had been regaled with tales of monsters hiding under the bunk beds.
Sometimes it feels good to take just a little wind out of the sails of MP's.

This blipped Scottish nationalist looks like an extra out of Braveheart and was very happy to pose for the camera.

As to what I think of the YES campaign with independence for Scotland? If I told you I would have to kill you.
It's a NO COMMENT from me.

PS In the light of what I perceive as bad publicity for events taking place in the Capital, let me announce the RoadBlock Run in Holyrood Park tomorrow (9am- 3.30pm), when entrants complete a run with all manner of obstacles to be overcome en route. It's in aid of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland.
You heard it from me first and.... I will not be entering.

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