My Dear Fruit

We got a bit carried away picking fruit; it's such a bargain compared to buying it in the shops. Well, only if you eat as much as you put in the punnet. At least as much. We picked blackcurrants, gooseberries, raspberries and finally, cherries. So now we have enough jam to last a siege, which is really useful, obviously. But unfortunately there's nothing that can be done with cherries. I should have realised that when picking twenty quid's worth.
In other news, signed the boaty club up to Sage cloud and then got stuck. And later, my thoughts turned to a certain cycling holiday, so I stepped along to Go Outdoors and bought a collapsible kettle. It'll save you to buy a discount card, says the helpful assistant. I buy one. Ooops she says after ringing through my purchases, it's actually 50p more. What's 50p to a man like me? A couple of cherries, that's all.

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