twinned with trumpton


A day out; I logged on at 7; read some e mails and then wheeled out the bike and took it for a tour of Leith; due to a cancellation I managed a stop at Qupi before winding my way up through the People's Republic of Leith and off in a more gentile direct and Craigentinny / Portobello. I had time between visits to potter about; the camera came out a lot.

Then into the throng that is the Royal Mile; 3 calls which allowed me another look at Open - Close stuff and then to Comely Bank.

At lunchtime I perused the Gallery of Modern Art (details elsewhere) before a long slog up Kaimes Road - it doesn't get any easier, especially 25 miles into the day.

A long tedious visit then led to a long glorious descent; a brief stop in Drylaw and in before a brief thundery downpour and more logging in.

A quiet evening polishing shoes and ironing shirts.

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