Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Hidden chaos on the A57

On Thursday on my way to Stockport I saw that someone had managed to prang their car fairly spectacularly into the traffic light for a left turn into Tescos on the A57 in Glossop - nasty damage to the car (hope the people were OK) - the traffic lights destroyed.

The police were on the scene and the traffic was passing the stricken vehicle fairly easily in the circumstances.

Passing the scene later with no traffic lights in use the traffic was moving well and people were managing to get in and out of the junction.

Later temporary traffic lights were installed and from Friday morning chaos has ensued.

So this photograph gives a false impression the traffic from Sheffield from the left was queued almost back to Old Glossop. From the right from Manchester queued off into the distance.

If there were no temporary traffic lights the traffic would be moving, I'm sure of it.

btw I walked to this point to take the photo !

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