
By MaybeDailyBob

Beech Walk

This is not he same one I blipped earlier in the year.
Our walk around Rockbourne was great, the only drawback was that much of the walk was shaded; the trees may be lovely but it was cool where the sun did not shine. We managed to miss a turn and walked further than expected; I suppose using a book of walks from 1996 may mean things have changed a bit. Still we managed to get back OK (I should say Jane managed to work out how to get us back).
Around the village there are three Neolithic long barrows within the parish boundaries, as well as the sites of over twenty Bronze Age bowl barrows. At Knoll Camp, there is also the site of an Iron Age Hill fort with a single bank and ditch. That is as well as the Roman Villa.
Chips of beech wood are used in the brewing of Budweiser beer as a fining agent. I can't help but think that is a waste of beech wood.

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