Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

On the Road

Left about 6.30am to travel across Scotland to get the ferry. Poor Dave does all the holiday driving. First time I'd seen Ailsa Craig on route and also why do all the houses in Girvan leave their front doors open?

During this time i think I phoned home at least 4 times as my heroic parents are not only house sitting but dog sitting too, i needed to check my two hounds from spoiltsville were behaving and not causing mayhem. They weren't or perhaps Ma n Pa Sinclair were trying not to worry me and they WERE creating mayhem, anyway, Ma Sinclair said to stop phoning to check on them as I was being silly. Being telt off by my Ma.

Northern Ireland greeted us with it's flags - less in your face this time - lush green hedgerows, green rolling fields and a wee bit rain....sometimes a big bit rain.

We crossed the border, at least we think we did as there's no signs or markers, and turned off for petrol. The petrol guy told us the bridge right beside us was the border, that it was a nightmare as he lived in the North but worked in the South and Brexit would mean hard border and border checks. All rural backways in the village would be shut with traffic put through this way only, the whole area was dreading and it directly contravened the Good Friday Agreement.

We travelled on through the County of Donegal, Ireland and the closer we got to Dunfanaghy, the closer it resembled the Scottish West Coast. It's stunning, i could live here in Donegal no bother, if they'd have me. We headed to Corcreggan Mill for our railway carriage glamping on the site of the old mill which is just beautiful. The owner, a retired Irish Defence Commdt, is quite something and can easily drop in the fairies, the troubles, the peace process, the campsite and the local prehistoric archaeology in one breath...it took us 1 hour to check in just because he was telling us about the entire area. He has written two books and put up a WWII memorial in the village.

The kids seem pretty taken with our digs, as are we, which is the main thing. Couple of vinos, game of the old cards and bed!

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