Lovely cool day – perfect for working outside. So, finally, TallGirl’s olive tree is partially liberated from its pot (the bottom is gone) and the structure that will contain it is underway. Mr B recommended I use the ‘reciprocating saw’ for chopping the pot to bits which, when I found it in the attic, was way bigger and scarier looking than I had imagined. But it was a breeze to use and is now my favourite of Mr B’s tools.
Other work included finally fitting the new boot struts onto the car (so that the boot holds open without the help of either a handy child or a large piece of wood). In case anyone had any doubts about this, I can confirm that it is absolutely not a one-person job. After the application of a lot of ice, I don’t think my hand is broken…
After all that activity, some research into shows to watch with the kids. I realised that everything I was going to pick had strong female role models, but no male ones. Odd that; you’d think there’d be a mix? Anyway, if anyone has any box-sets to recommend for me and the kids (16 year old who hates violence and rolls her eyes at sci-fi, 12 year old who loves violence and rolls his eyes at smooching) I’d be very grateful. Role models optional.
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