Return to the North

By Viking

Bfs galore at Crowle Moor

My friend from NZ expressed an interest in going to the site where I saw and photographed an adder this time last year. Today was their last day with me so we headed off to Crowle Moor. I showed them the spot where I had seen the snake but of course the likelihood of seeing it again were slim, and indeed there was no snake to be seen.
There were however a zillion butterflies of every colour and a few dragonflies, which I have put here. Later in the walk we did see an adder although this one was too quick for a full photograph, slithering quickly into a fallen log, but I did get shots of part of him (can also be seen on flickr) 
My butterfly and dragonfly shots are better than this shot but I liked the bug and haven't seen one before so it is my blip tonight

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