Do my eyes deceive me....

I think this is Amethyst Deceiver (Laccarina amethystina, nearly as beautiful in name as appearance) , but as I had to climb up a wet tree and balance rather precariously*10ft off the ground to take today's blip I'm prepared to admit that I didn't take as long over an identification as I'd like.
It could potentially be Lilac Bonnets, but I don't think it is. Lack of a white cap edge (admittedly not always there) and the more random caps on mine, as well as the strong colour on the gills I could see all make me think I found a weird little arboreal straggler, caught in a fork of a mighty beach tree.
We'd shot out in today's late afternoon solitary hour of sunshine , a depressingly regular pattern of late. Pausing to look at the shafts of light a colour seemed too vibrant - a little investigation and some slimy handholds found these.

At least the website is slowly coming along, I'm starting to understand the cyclical and somewhat repetitive nature of it now. It's a process of 3 steps forward and then 1 step back, but as with nearly every task I've encountered, from the mountains to management and back, the P's* have stood me in good stead:
Planning &

*and yes, if you are ex-military you may have a few more Ps in your list...

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