Friday Feasts...

.. For some it's berries.

For me, I'm afraid, it's chips.

This is not my sharpest image ever at all, but it made me smile.
The birds are all loving the rowan at the moment. They clear off when I approach but, if I hang around, the lure of the fruit soon tempts them back in spite of my pointing a camera up at them.
And yes, I do have a crick in my neck!
(Like Prince Charles and 'love', I'm tempted to add, 'whatever a 'crick' is').

Well.. It's Friday already :-)
Chips await.
I did have one of those clever machines that makes them with just a teaspoon (?) of oil (and churns them around, hotly). I left it to its own devices one day, chip plate awaiting on the dining table (it was a Friday, obviously) and returned to find it on fire! With real flames licking up the wall and everything!
Flames though!
A fire in the house does get even the most laid back adrenalin pumping, no doubt (no pun intended).
Anyway, douted it was. No serious harm done.
Chips these days are still real potato ones*, but shaken in a bag with a tiny bit of coconut oil and popped in a hot oven. (The machine was just out of guarantee, of course!).

I'm pleased to report that the red wine forecast for this evening is looking remarkably promising. Clear and bright.

Happy Friday one and all :-)    

*Does that sound smug? :-/
Are the chips as good?
Err.. No.
Are they Good Enough though?
Oh yes :-)

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