Old College, Midsummer (allegedly)

I'm sorry to confess a strange satisfaction that it rained heavily in Edinburgh this afternoon - and not yesterday ;-)

We've soon slotted back into our usual 'at home' routine with Mr hazelh programming at his computer in the study, while I catch up on my Mac at the kitchen table.

We left the house twice today. First this morning we popped out to buy some bits and pieces to cater (1) for a couple of keen Catan players - one of whom is a blipper - who are coming around tomorrow afternoon, and (2) for a party to be hosted by two blippers tomorrow evening. Then later this afternoon we headed up to town to run a couple of errands, including the purchase of some Fringe tickets for next week.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre is not at the Fringe this year, but I couldn't help thinking of their classic Flyers in the rain as we watched performers thrusting handbills at soaking wet tourists in Bristo Square.

I took my blip of Old College on the walk home.

Oh, and we saw Clive Anderson coming out of Teviot Row House.

Exercise today: walking (11,128 steps).

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