Garden Veggies

Every year We learn something new about growing vegetables. This year we learned that if you make your own fertilizer there is some ingredient in it that the dogs love. Blake and Rudy are here for the weekend, and I thought I was keeping an eye on them early this morning while I harvested some newly ripened produce. They managed to dig almost everywhere OilMan had put his new concoction. Rudy then managed to redeposit what he ingested on every carpet in the house. 

OilMan is currently filling in holes and finding a substitute for bone meal.  I am currently keeping the dogs on a very short lead....

Here is a picture of the veggies I abandoned on the kitchen counter. We are still having tomato and arugula sandwiches almost every day and still enjoying every bite. The fillet beans are delicious as long as they are picked when they are less than half the diameter of a pencil. This requires a certain amount of searching amongst the plants as the beans tend to hide underneath the leaves of the bush plants.
You already know about the zucchini and will also appreciate why we pick them while they are still flowering. The eggplants will go into a batch of ratatouille along with the rest of today's harvest. I think they can wait a couple of days for the peppers to turn red.

OilMan and my brother talked about growing capers, the only ingredient we don't currently grow. They figured we have just about the right climate, but then Rick discovered some compelling reason why it wouldn't work. The reason escapes me, but whatever it is,  I think we have enough experimental projects on the go for the moment....



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