Morning Cup(s)

It all started with our last dog, Lucy, also a black lab, who went to Peet's with us every morning rain or shine for coffee. I don't know when I started letting her lick the remains of the foamed milk out of the cup when I was finished,  The habit continued with Ozzie, whose tongue is shorter than Lucy's was and perfected surgically removing the bottom of the paper cup because his tongue wouldn't reach all the way to the bottom of a medium latte. 

When we moved to Santa Rosa we no longer went every morning to Peet's (or anywhere) but we make our coffee at home and I drink my cappuccinos out of a proper cup. Ozzie still licks the remains of the milk out when I'm finished.

Last night Blake spent the night with us. It was hot and we sleep with our bedroom door open as the bedroom cools off nicely at night that way. Blake appeared to go to sleep very nicely on Ozzie's bed, but managed to bash through the screen door while we were asleep. I was awakened barking which turned out to be Blake who had tried the dog door, found it closed and called for us at the back door until I finally stumbled to the door and let him in.

It was hot in the bedroom with the door shut. Neither OilMan nor I slept very well, but it seems that Dana has been offering her foamed milk to Blake because he was right there with Ozzie while I attempted to wake myself up with my first cup of the day.

It's a good thing I have two cappuccino cups. No need to remove the bottoms of these hand thrown cups made by my friend Marcia. I divided what was left of my coffee between the two cups and OilMan took the picture while the dogs enjoyed most of my much needed wake-up brew...

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