Dr Jones

By jones

Garn Boduan

I dropped off the girls at work at 9.30am. Jack was working at 10am so he came with us too. When I got back to the house, Anthony had made a packed lunch and we went for a walk up Garn Boduan and we sat at the top to eat our lunch.
I had to be back home by 2pm in case the girls needed picking up but it was nearly 5pm by the time they’d finished.  When I picked them up, they had a bag full of food stuff that the holiday makers had left in the caravans that they’d cleaned. Jack had finished working at 4pm.

In the evening, we drove to Gimblet Rock and had a barbecue on the beach. Soon after we’d finished earing, it started to rain so we packed everything and threw it into the car. We walked to Pontoon and arrived soaked. We had one drink there and then walked home.  We all went to bed quite early.

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