The path by the shore (Day 822)

That devil on my shoulder has a lot to answer for. This morning, as I wandered up the hill in the warm sunshine, and with barely a breath of wind in the air, I phoned my beautiful wife and suggested that we get out for a bit of a paddle in the kayaks. The suggestion was greeted very favourably.
Back at home I was soon dressed in a rubber suit (quite a change from the leather of yesterday, but still quite snug) and adjusting the seat and foot rests in the kayak in the relative safety of the middle of the lawn.
We got the kayaks in the water and I got in and paddled off nervously. I haven't been in a kayak before and the sea is a pretty big place, but it was flat calm which was a bonus. I got fairly frustrated that, despite my best efforts, I seem to turn left constantly. It is probably down to the weakness I still have in my right arm after the accident last year. Still, we paddled around for a little while and I was making reasonable progress in staying in a straight line. Right up until I ended up upside down in the water. I can't swim and this was more than a little disconcerting. HV paddled across as I clung onto my upturned kayak and got used to the cold water. It took a fair while to get back to the shore, but we managed and didn't need to call on the assistance of the RNLI.
Later, having had lunch and recovered a bit from the morning's exertion, we headed to Mum and Dad's and then all went for a walk along the shore in the sunshine. It has been a beautiful day, but it is a shame that HV has had to go to work for an overnight shift.

Tomorrow I start another bathroom fit.

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