
We are very fortunate that B has kindly gifted us a fortnights trial at the gorgeous, posh gym she goes to. I was going to start it on Monday after our look round then but she said "no, you need to go swimming now!" I decided she was right and called the guy who'd booked me in and asked if he could possibly fit us in almost immediately as I had just finished work for the afternoon and it was glorious sunshine. At that point, Katie and I were in the toy shop- she got a beanie baby monkey as a reward for helping Grandad with some work on Tuesday- so we dashed home quickly to gather our things.

We were both impressed on the tour- Katie particularly because she was allowed to go off and play in the soft play during some of it and because they had iPads for the kids. After we'd registered, she was chomping at the bit to get into the heated outdoor pool. It really was wonderful! I got her some tea afterwards and she had another play in the soft play. It was worth it for today alone!

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