New old friend

The highlight of my day was meeting this beautiful woman & her friend. amandoAlentejo's niece who is here on holiday...she's one of those people I've heard about all my life & bumped into at various points, but I've never really known her. It was brilliant to spend the morning with her & J...the hours passed by quickly. In fact they passed so fast I took no pics, just this phone snap.
Then late afternoon the kids & I met up with Joha & her kids...we went to our local Italian ice cream place - I had THE most delicious gelato, orange & basil - ay.may.ziiiing. And when Nate was too tired to be sociable, I brought him home whilst Joha took the kids to watch the moon eclipse!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Hannah & Jane taking a morning out of their holiday to meet up with me.
2) Joha looking after Asha this evening.
3) Nattering over a beer with Danny whilst Nate slept & Asha was out!

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