Funny Goings On....

My shift at work was swapped today due to staff holidays, so I had to open up the surgery at 8am. The traffic was quite quiet, so as I was early I parked up on the seafront and went to take some pictures of the bandstand and West Pier. Then something strange happened - the lady in this shot suddenly appeared with a pink plastic bowl which she put on the floor in the centre of the bandstand. She then walked over to the railing, held onto it for a minute while looking out to sea, and then she left, leaving the bowl where it was.

She seemed totally unaware that I was there, even when I took a couple of photos as she was walking towards me, and proceeded to cross the road. It was just after 7.30am and I wonder if it's a daily ritual!

Work was busy, so the time flew and I finished at 2pm. Then this afternoon I took the boys for a walk, but cut it short as there was a very big, black cloud heading our way. I'm not sure how it happened, but the rain actually missed us, and at 5.30pm I went to the Lido for a training swim, in readiness for my swim for Macmillan Cancer Care in September.

I managed another 2kms, but I didn't get home until 7.15pm so it's another evening where I don't know where the time's gone and it's already 11pm! We'd better batten down the hatches in readiness of all the rain we're due to get! Night, night x

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