Basking on the Grape Vine

This year we've had lots of Comma Butterflies in our garden and for some reason they seem to like basking on the grape vine.  This one had been fluttering around the garden so I went and got my camera and waited for it to settle.

We had a lot of rain, thunder and lightening last night, but it's been sunny today, albeit windy and slightly cooler, but I've been in work so haven't really been out in it today, I nipped to the shops at lunch time and ended up getting a couple of sale bargains from M&Co.

 Good news about the hot tub, I phoned the after sales centre and there are no issues whatsoever, the guy I spoke to just told me to email him a copy of the receipt and they'll replace it for me.  He said they're waiting for more stock which will hopefully be in in a couple of weeks, so he said I can continue to use mine in the meantime and just keep topping the air up.  That's great after sales service!

Anyway, I'd better go and get the dinner on as Alan's going to his shooting club tonight and is dropping me off in Hove as I'm meeting Anne for a drink while he's there, and then he'll pick me back up on his way home.

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