
I was getting ready to go catch my train when my Dad called - he wanted to go to a store in Lincoln and would pick me up at around 11 ish. Another hour and half in my house - I didn't mind that!

The store seemed pretty good too - it's JTF, where I hadn't been for years! Last time I went it was open to trade only. Anyway, he got a new hedge trimmer (A lighter, easier to use one!), a fryer (Their old one had packed in), a toaster (They need separate ones as my Dad has Coeliac) a huge bag of chicken food and some cleaning products. All for £100!

The store sells virtually anything you can think of! I'd like a look round it on my own sometime! 

I came home on the train of course. It was pretty empty today - a rarity during the school holidays! Maybe the weather has finally beaten people. There were no takers for the beach either today.

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