Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The Redcoats are coming!

I stepped through a portal in the space-time continuum in Birkenhead Park this morning and found myself back in the 1770s where I met this troop of military men who told me they were shortly to embark on a voyage to the American Colonies to "sort out a spot of bother".

They were very obliging about letting me take their picture (somewhat surprising, given that none of them had ever seen a camera before!) but when I tried to engage them in conversation about the merits of 'representation' in relation to 'taxation' they began to look a little uncomfortable and insisted that they were "just following orders"...

Moments later I found myself back in the 21st Century! Could I be part Timelord? (in a wibbly wobbly timey wimey way!)

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