
On those cloudy days, Robert Neville was never sure when sunset came, and sometimes they were in the streets before he could get back.

I spend the morning in meetings - face to face and virtual. I lunch with Gáspár before heading off to a couple of sessions - Rebecca Wirfs-Brock followed by Jeff Patton.

I meet Richard L for a beer and then put in an hour or so in my slides for tomorrow. I've probably got another hour or two to do, but head down for guacamole, crab meat martini and other highly edible comestibles.

I find myself sitting at the pool bar with Gáspár, Emma, Emerson, and Alan. I drink whiskey. We shoot the breeze: tall tales never knowingly undersold.

I head upstairs at 11:30 and don the re-timer jet lag goggles. I should have worn them hours ago.

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