Audacious nap
I’m assiduous in fulfilling my duties. A breakfast meeting with Kev, followed by one of our technical track sessions. There were supposed to be two presenters, but Varun is stuck in Toronto. Gillian, with Llewellyn’s support, has decided to deliver it on her own. It’s brave of her.
The new tenant in Kintyre has handed in notice. We decide to put the flat on the market - one less worry, preceded by one more list of tasks. I organise an estate agent, home report, access. Long distance. And then I put together a sales proposal.
There’s a lunchtime brainstorming session on the 25th floor, discussing what we should do with the shrinking technical content of the conference. It becomes clear that we don’t really know what question we’re trying to answer. There’ll be more discussion later, no doubt.
Nick Tune does an excellent intro to DDD and then I hustle to the other end of the hotel for the last Audacious Salon of the conference. George is taking a power nap in the break, but is roused by his alarm before the session starts.
Janelle Klein and Mike Feathers facilitate an interesting discussion, that I find ultimately unsatisfying. Others vote with their feet. And then it’s PARTY TIME.
They bus us up the coast to Mission Beach. There’s food, drinks, Big Dipper (ancient, wooden), Laser Tag. I’m drinking tequila with beer chaser. It doesn’t take many to get me going. And then, way too soon, it’s back on the bus.
The party continues at the hotel. Clare buys a round, but I’m not needing any more. Which doesn’t stop me. There are friends everywhere - some of whom I actually know already. George, re-energised by his nap, has a box of wine to finish. It’s late. Or early. I need water and sleep. Tomorrow will be challenging.
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