
My new lights over the kitchen island. There are 3 in a row and I had a lot of fun photographing them. As I did I was reminded of a graphic design exercise my tutor used to give us. We'd be given an object and asked to produce 50 thumbnail sketches of it. The point being to see beyond the obvious and to discover new viewpoints. I'm sure I'll blip them again. Maybe I should challenge myself overtime with 20 different blips of them. I'll think about that one ;-)

This morning's run felt hard and I wondered if I should bother with the pump class I'd decided to do later in the morning.

Yes, I'm an outside girl and I much prefer my exercise their in all weather because I work inside. My town offers a programme of well priced exercise classes at the local community centre.

I decided to squeeze it in after an unexpected visit from the sparky to sort the height of the new lights. I was the oldest - no surprise there, I'm middle aged. I'll felt the fear and did it anyway. I need a mix to keep me doing the things I love and I'm prepared to explore. I checked in with the instructor and followed along. I kept up and it was pretty good. I expect I'll have some muscle groups that groan tomorrow ;-)

Today's gratitude: I'm allowed 2 because I forgot yesterday.
1. For my home. There was a time when I thought it might escape me. It didn't and I'm enormously grateful.

2. I'm grateful that I don't get what I deserve in life. Thank God for grace and compassion.

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