Red Sail

Beautiful day down here in Kintyre :-)
 We drove the ten miles or so South to Southend then followed the road round past Dunaverty beach and Kiel to Carskey Bay. There were quite a few seals on the rocks by the shore at Kiel.I think they were enjoying the warm day.
The Antrim coast was very clear.Looked like a nice day over there too.
Lots of gannets, flying along parallel to the shore in formation.
Three yachts. All heading East.
Several people on the beach.
We brought home a lump of driftwood which is now sitting at the top of the turret stairs where it will finish drying out (if it needs it) before it becomes part of or the basis of a garden sculpture sometime in the hazy future.That's the plan :-)
This afternoon I made a start on my painting of Maeve.
It will have to wait till I come back from Ullapool before I can do some more work on it :-)
One more week to go to Ullapool :-))

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