
By Lenore

Tractor boys

Busy day today.  Family walk this morning, where the husband confessed that he hasn't walked down the road I take the boys down. Work and dissertation, they play havoc on exploring new places.  I then took the boys off to messy church, we'd never been to one and it was very nice.  A 'service' lasting15 minutes, followed by basically a playgroup with lots of things to do, then bbq and cake.  Apparently the bbq doesn't often happen, I think the cake does. 

Back home and the eldest helped the husband mow the lawn, the youngest tried to sleep, it worked for a bit, but a lawn mower outside your bedroom window isn't great for sleeping (unless your mummy is cuddling you). 

Then there was a real treat after bath time, a local farmer had popped into the pub on his way home from baling, and parked his tractor next to our house, I took the boys out to have a look and the farmer, who was outside the pub let them play in the cab. Very happy boys.  Given that the farmer was still outside the pub a few hours later having had a good few beers, I kind of hope the tractor is still outside the house in the morning.

Very tired, very happy boys.  My days work is complete. 

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