what we did today...

By SarnieV

Young ones

He may be wearing glasses, going bald and 60 but he's still the same cute funny cheeky guy! Loved listening to Adrian Edmonston at the book festival today (our mis-booked tickets from yesterday). He's now a grandad - bet he's the best fun grandad ever! The boys thought he was really funny - bottom humour is the funniest! Funny to know that when they made the programme Bottom they wanted to call it My Bottom so the posh BBC announcers would have to say "and next is my Bottom" and so people would say "did you see my Bottom last night?" Ha ha! But man at BBC thought that just too silly so it was just Bottom. He's now written a children's book that started as a bedtime story for his neighbours.
The boys wanted his book and his signature so we queued again for a lovely chat and photo with this guy. He laughed at my witty comment - does that mean I'm extra funny if I make a comedian laugh?

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